fivem snow

snow weather (permanent)

With this code snippet you can permanently activate snow weather on your FiveM server.

code to insert

code snippets
Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(0) SetForceVehicleTrails(true) SetForcePedFootstepsTracks(true) ClearOverrideWeather() ClearWeatherTypePersist() SetWeatherTypeNowPersist('XMAS') N_0xc54a08c85ae4d410(3.0) RequestScriptAudioBank("ICE_FOOTSTEPS", false) RequestScriptAudioBank("SNOW_FOOTSTEPS", false) RequestNamedPtfxAsset("core_snow") while not HasNamedPtfxAssetLoaded("core_snow") do Citizen.Wait(0) end UseParticleFxAssetNextCall("core_snow") --prop_xmas_ext end end) RegisterNetEvent("lmc_snow:place") AddEventHandler("lmc_snow:place", function() local xmas = GetHashKey("prop_xmas_ext") local prop = CreateObject(xmas, 163.69,-981.38,28.00, false, false, false) PlaceObjectOnGroundProperly(prop) end, false)

snow script download

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